Wow! Seems as if 2015 has flown by us... Where did summer go? We are a week away from Autumn and looking back at the past months, we have witnessed great moments: proposals, engagements, weddings, graduations, births and during the summer some incredibly happy family reunions were celebrated! But, as the Fall approaches, and we find ourselves nearly booked solid the next 12 weeks - with Family sessions, birthdays and before we know it Christmas time will be here, and all the planning begins right at Halloween, Thanksgiving and into December, while celebrating the season. We wonder what great times will be celebrated in company of family and friends as many travel while at this time a year!
In this planning, getting the lists ready for all the get-togethers and visits and while thinking and preparing your the season, your Christmas cards come to mind... For most of my clients, this is the perfect season to update family portraits, as we see another year behind us, our children have grown or prepare to go back to college and these memories are everlasting! It is an exciting time - The smell of pumpkin spice, cinammon, the drop in temperatures and the cooler air that fills our mornings, the change of time as we see earlier sunsets and we get to wear our sweaters, scarves and boots for the season! I am hoping that everyone has a fabulous start to their Fall season, and enjoy all the moments ahead, while remembering that making the time to spend with loved ones is the most important of things that you will ever do! Enjoy and remember to create memories everyday of the season! Allie