I have been photographing this really sweet family for years, I have see gatherings... Weddings, Births and as the years pass by, things always change. This year, the little one is not as little anymore. He is becoming a wonderful young man - at the end of the session he just comes up to me and says: "Mrs. Allie, thanks you for taking our pictures today!' My heart immediately melted!
Mom and dad visited GB for his 75th birthday this week, and to add to to the long week celebrations we had a photo-shoot at grandpa's house in Indian Beach, NC Jax, the pup [ no longer a pup - he is 12 now] we also made him part of this beautiful day - These pictures will be embedded in the memory of who were there.
After we did a compound session of their family of 30 who were there to celebrate Brandt.
This is my why!